Email address is vital for any business. And it is almost impossible to do business these days without an Email address.

There are many benefits to having a personalized email address and one that looks professional will speak volumes. Extensions such as,, and seem non-professional.

As a business owner, you can get a personalized email address without paying an arm and a leg. Many domain name companies allow you to add an email option when purchasing your domain. Sometimes they will even offer you a free email address and account. Here in this post, we have gathered the top 7 reasons why you should use a professional email address.

Brand For Your Business

A personalized email address will help give you an identity. Your email extension is the first thing your customers and prospects will see, so make it good. This will help your prospects and customers associate you with a specific brand, service, or product.

Spam Protection

Email addresses are the primary target of spammers and Malware viruses. This is why having a professional email address connected to your own domain is such a trust marker. A professional email address reduces the risk of your business emails bouncing or being sent straight to the trash can.


Associating the name of your business with your professional email address adds a buzz of interest to potential clients. Can you just imagine receiving an email from [email protected] instead of [email protected]? Chances are it will remain unopened or ignored. Your professional email address can be an easy recognition of your company. Customers will also start to remember the name of your business which builds brand awareness and trust.


Inside your email address account, you will be able to organize your email, inquiries, and folders. This will help you locate everything you need to at a glance. You will appear very unprofessional when you are not prepared for something and how embarrassing would it be to ask your client to resend something because you lost it.

Easier To Locate

Having a business email means that customers and prospects can find you when they need to. If they forget your business name but have your business email, they can look it up and locate you right away.

Having trouble setting up a customised professional email address for your business? Feel free to send a message at [email protected] so we can help you with your needs.