Security researchers of Wordfence have disclosed a set of vulnerabilities in the Jupiter and JupiterX Premium themes and the required JupiterX Core companion plugin for WordPress, which included a critical privilege escalation vulnerability that allowed any user to become an administrator.

This vulnerability allows any authenticated attacker, including a subscriber or customer-level attacker, to gain administrative privileges and completely take over any site running either the Jupiter Theme or JupiterX Core Plugin. The JupiterX Core plugin is required for the JupiterX theme.

The classic Jupiter Theme contains a function, uninstallTemplate, which is intended to reset a site after a template is uninstalled, but has the additional effect of elevating the user calling the function to an administrator role. In JupiterX, this functionality has been migrated to the JupiterX Core plugin. Vulnerable versions register AJAX actions but do not perform any capability checks or nonce checks.

On a site with a vulnerable version of the Jupiter Theme installed, any logged-in user can elevate their privileges to those of an administrator by sending an AJAX request with the action parameter set to abb_uninstall_template. This calls the uninstallTemplate function, which calls the resetWordpressDatabase function, where the site is effectively reinstalled with the currently logged-in user as the new site owner.

On a site where a vulnerable version of the JupiterX Core plugin is installed, the same functionality can also be accessed by sending an AJAX request with the action parameter set to jupiterx_core_cp_uninstall_template.Description: Insufficient Access Control leading to Authenticated Arbitrary Plugin Deactivation and Settings Modification

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This vulnerability allows an attacker to reduce site security or damage functionality.

Vulnerable versions of the JupiterX Theme allow any logged-in user, including subscriber-level users, to access any of the functions registered in lib/api/api/ajax.php, which also grant access to the jupiterx_api_ajax_ actions registered by the JupiterX Core Plugin. This includes the ability to deactivate arbitrary plugins as well as update the theme’s API key.

This vulnerability could allow an attacker to obtain privileged information, such as nonce values, or perform restricted actions, by including and executing files from any location on the site.

Vulnerable versions of the Jupiter and JupiterX Themes allow logged-in users, including subscriber-level users, to perform Path Traversal and Local File inclusion. In the JupiterX theme, the jupiterx_cp_load_pane_action AJAX action present in the lib/admin/control-panel/control-panel.php file calls the load_control_panel_pane function. It is possible to use this action to include any local PHP file via the slug parameter. The Jupiter theme has a nearly identical vulnerability which can be exploited via the mka_cp_load_pane_action AJAX action present in the framework/admin/control-panel/logic/functions.php file, which calls the mka_cp_load_pane_action function.Description: Insufficient Access Control leading to Authenticated Arbitrary Plugin Deletion

This vulnerability allows an attacker to reduce site security or damage functionality.

Vulnerable versions of the Jupiter Theme allow arbitrary plugin deletion by any authenticated user, including users with the subscriber role, via the abb_remove_plugin AJAX action registered in the framework/admin/control-panel/logic/plugin-management.php file. Using this functionality, any logged-in user can delete any installed plugin on the site.

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This vulnerability allows an attacker to view site configuration and logged-in users, modify postconditions, or perform a denial of service attack.

Vulnerable versions of the JupiterX Core plugin register an AJAX action jupiterx_conditional_manager which can be used to call any function in the includes/condition/class-condition-manager.php file by sending the desired function to call in the sub_action parameter.

We strongly recommend updating to the latest versions of the impacted themes and plugins available immediately.

If you are running the Jupiter Theme version 6.10.1 or below, you should immediately update to version 6.10.2 or higher.

If you are running the JupiterX Theme version 2.0.6 or below, you should immediately update to version 2.0.7 or higher.

If you are running the JupiterX Core Plugin version 2.0.7 or below, you should immediately update it to version 2.0.8 or higher.

If you know anyone using the Jupiter theme or the JupiterX theme, we urge you to forward this advisory to them as the most severe vulnerability allows complete site takeover.