Tech giant Google is planning to auto-enroll an additional 150 million Google users in 2SV and require 2 million YouTube creators to turn it on by the end of 2021.

We also recognize that today’s 2SV options aren’t suitable for everyone, so we are working on technologies that provide a convenient, secure authentication experience and reduce the reliance on passwords in the long term. Right now we are auto-enrolling Google accounts that have the proper backup mechanisms in place to make a seamless transition to 2SV.

AbdelKarim Mardini, Group Product Manager, Chrome and Guemmy Kim, Director, Account Security and Safety wrote in a blogpost.

For an account to be auto-enrolled, it would need to have a Google app installed that could be used for authentication or a backup mobile device for account recovery.

To check if your account has the correct settings for 2SV, you can perform a Security Checkup on your Google Account, which will explain your available options.