According to scientist and photographer Dr. Roger Clark, the resolution of the human eye is 576 megapixels i.e. 90 degrees *60 arc-minutes*1/0.3*60*1/0.3= 324,000,000 pixels (324 megapixels).120*120*60/ (0.3*0.3) = 576 megapixels.

A 576-megapixel resolution means that in order to create a screen with a picture so sharp and clear that you can’t distinguish the individual pixels, you would have to pack 576 million pixels into an area the size of your field of view.

To get to his number, Dr Clark assumed optimal visual acuity across the field of view; that is, it assumes that your eyes are moving around the scene before you. But in a single snapshot-length glance, the resolution drops to a fraction of that: around 5–15 megapixels.

That’s because your eyes have a lot of flaws that wouldn’t be acceptable in a camera. You only see high resolution in a very small area in the centre of your vision, called the fovea. You have a blind spot where your optic nerve meets up with your retina. You move your eyes around a scene not only to take in more information but to correct for these imperfections in your visual system.

Viewing angles rule the whole phenomena of human eye resolution. In photography, fine art prints use the 300 pixels per inch, which for a person with 20/20 vision requires a sighting aloofness of one foot to resolve. However, pixels always do not need to be packed this densely.

With enlargements, the standard rule of thumb is that viewing these at aloofness similar to the diagonal print dimension. Although these viewing angles are not probable or sensible always, they are more often than where someone stands for an immersive viewing experience.

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At the same angle of vision, being closer to a smaller screen could be a preference for one, but beyond a larger one. It is a consequence of the fact that this angle matches the 40-60 degree of the central angle of human eyes closely. Sealing this central angle viewer feels the sense of being inside the scene as the opposite of looking inside a rectangle. Sense of detail and precision is enhanced with higher resolution; higher resolution increases the sense of detail, while a sense of attendance is enhanced by wider viewing angles. The above two are needed mutually to strengthen the sense of realism.

The key is that viewing angles increases along with the resolvable pixels, either due to a larger image or a closer sighting aloofness. Pertaining the same angles of vision to home cinema, displays with HD displays usually appear blurred and pixilated.

4K(3840×2160 called ultra high definition) needed to produce sharp and continuous pixels for the majority of viewers. With theatrical display, relative viewing distances are often a little closer, depending on which seats are selected. Into the peripheral vision of viewers, aspect ratios of widescreen may also be intended to rise.

In most-large screen theatres, seats near the middle to rear create a 40-60 degree angle of view, but seats near the front can result in 90 degrees or higher. However, 4K content is only one of the several factors contributing to our perception of detail. Cameras, lenses, and focusing techniques all need to meet a higher standard.

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