If you have forgotten your WordPress Login Password and you have no longer access to your email associated with your WordPress account then it might be the worst nightmare.  You must need to access your email in order to reset the password. Luckily, there is another way that we can reset the WordPress Login password using phpMyAdmin from your Cpanel.  So, here we are going to learn how to reset the WordPress Login password from Cpanel.

Step 1. Login to your cpanel

In order to log into your cpanel you need to enter yourwebsite.com/cpanel. Additionally you can also enter yourwebsite.com:2082. 2082 is the default port of cpanel.

Step 2. Find phpMyAdmin in Cpanel

When you are inside your cpanel, then all you have to do is to find phyMyAdmin. Which is located somewhere in the database section.

Click on phpMyAdmin and it will take you to the another page. After that click on the name of your database. In case you have hosted many website under your hosting and if you are unable to locate your database then we can find the exact database on wp-config.php. This is located inside your WordPress installation directory. (usually inside public_html folder). Locate the wp-config.php file and click on edit and you can find the database name.

Now expand the database in phpMyAdmin and click on wp-users. Then you can see user_login and user_pass associated with you account. However, the password is stored in encrypted format so that you cannot see the password but you can change. To change the password click Edit enter your new password in the user_pass box,  change the function to MD5 and click go.

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This is how you can change you WordPress login password if case you don’t have access to your email associated with your WordPress account. I personally don’t recommend your to edit your database if you are not familiar with it because it can break you site. You may ask some web developers to do this.

I hope now you can change your WordPress Login password if you don’t have access to you email. If you have any questions regarding this, then feel free to write down in the comment box below, i will try to answer as many as i can. Good Day !

[youtube v=”neWTJ4b_YGA”]