Limit Login Attempts is the must-have WordPress Plugins in order to secure your site from brute-force attacks. This plugin is simply awesome, you can set a limited number of login attempts made to your site. After that, the plugins block the particular IP for a limited time and reset it when the time expires. Sometimes, by entering the wrong password, you can lock up yourself so you have to wait until the IPs are unblocked. So, here we are going to learn how to unblock limit login attempts in WordPress.

Step 1

Login to your Cpanel. Enter your website address/Cpanel. For eg. or else you can also enter, 2082 is the default port of Cpanel.

After that, all you have to do is go inside your public_html folder. After that find the wp_content folder, inside the wp-content folder, just go click on the plugins folder and you can see all the installed plugins to your WordPress site. Simply rename the Limit Login Attempts Plugins (renaming will automatically deactivate the plugins so you don’t have to delete that). After that, you can re-login to your WordPress Dashboard. Then, again rename the plugins to the old name and that will again reactivate the plugins. Then simply reset the locked counter and unblock your IP so you can access your Admin Panel.

This is how you can deactivate any plugins via Cpanel. If some plugins are not working and your site is down then you can rename the plugins from Cpanel and you will be back to your sites Instantly. If you have any questing regarding this article then feel free to write your question in the comment section below.

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