Electronic manufacturing services provider Keytronic has reported over $17 million in losses due to a ransomware attack in May.

The attack was detected on May 6, disrupting business operations at its Mexico and U.S. sites. Keytronic revealed in an SEC filing that the incident led to $2.3 million in additional expenses and an estimated $15 million loss in revenue for the fourth quarter. While some of these orders are expected to be fulfilled in fiscal year 2025, an insurance gain of $0.7 million partially offset the expenses.

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Keytronic confirmed the attackers stole personal information during the breach. The Black Basta ransomware gang, which emerged in April 2022 and has targeted several high-profile organizations, claimed responsibility.

They leaked data including employees’ passports, social security cards, and corporate documents on their dark web site.

Despite the attack’s significant impact, Keytronic has not disclosed further details or the number of affected individuals.

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