Qualcomm has announced key changes to how it brands its Snapdragon chips, including a shift to single-digit series and generation numbers from the three-digit numbering system.

The company said that it has introduced bold changes to its visual system, from logo to product badge designs and other graphic elements.

“We have entered a new era for our Snapdragon brand, which will always stand for premium performance. And we will continue to build upon the brand as we do our technology, rising beyond the expectations of consumers and creating the premium experiences they deserve,” the company said in a blogpost.

“We have separated the Qualcomm and Snapdragon brands. Going forward, Snapdragon will be a standalone product brand with specific ties to the Qualcomm brand where appropriate,” it added.

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The company has also introduced new representative colors including Midnight, Gunmetal, Nickel, Snapdragon Red, and Gold. Gold will be used to represent only premium-tier products.

“Our iconic ‘fireball’ will gain new prominence and manifest itself in new visual assets and other creative executions,” the company said.

The mobile platforms will transition to a single-digit series and generation number, aligning with other product categories — starting with the newest flagship Snapdragon 8-series platform.

The news comes ahead of the company’s expected next-generation flagship chip debut at the Snapdragon Tech Summit on November 30.

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