Reddit has acquired short-form video social platform Dubsmash, the company announced today. In a post announcing the acquisition, Reddit said it is looking forward “to bringing our teams together to combine the unique creator experience of Dubsmash with the community growth engine of Reddit.”

Both Reddit and Dubsmash share a deep rooted respect for how communities come together,” said Steve Huffman, CEO, Reddit. “Dubsmash elevates under-represented creators, while Reddit fosters a sense of community and belonging across thousands of different topics and passions. It’s clear that our missions closely align and that our community-focused platforms can coexist and grow as we learn from each other.”

“In our years of building Dubsmash, we’ve learned how video can spark creativity, unlock interactions, and deepen connections within communities” said Suchit Dash, Head of Dubsmash. “We want to continue our journey to bring best in class video products to our users, and now Reddit users. We believe in the idea of connecting creators around interests and topics, something Reddit has pioneered, in our growing Dubsmash community.”

Reddit first launched native video in 2017.

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