Telegram has rolled out a significant 2.0 update for its mini-app platform, introducing new features that enhance functionality and bring it closer to the vision of a super app.

The update includes full-screen support, developer monetization tools, and options for home screen integration, underscoring Telegram’s ambitions to compete with platforms like China’s WeChat.

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What’s New in Telegram Mini-Apps?

The latest update supercharges Telegram’s mini-apps, offering improvements aimed at both users and developers:

  • Full-Screen Support: Mini-apps now support full-screen mode, allowing games like Doom to run in both portrait and landscape orientations. Expanded gestures and interfaces cater to a wider range of gaming genres.
  • Hardware Optimization: Mini-apps can access device specifications, such as processor and RAM details, to optimize performance. Gyroscope support enables more immersive gaming and utility features.
  • Subscription Monetization and Gifting: Developers can monetize mini-apps through subscription plans and allow users to send gifts, creating new revenue streams.
  • Home Screen Integration: Mini-apps can now be pinned directly to a device’s home screen, offering one-tap access similar to standalone apps.
  • Enhanced Functionality: New tools allow mini-apps to generate downloadable documents, access location data for mapping or weather services, and share content like media and referral codes directly in Telegram chats

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