Telegram has been testing a pay-to-view post feature that uses its own payment system on iOS, instead of Apple’s in-app purchases.

The feature allows users to charge others to view certain messages, reports 9To5Mac.

Some Telegram channels have already received access to the feature, but it hasn’t been officially announced by the platform, which suggests that it is still being tested.

The iOS app for Telegram offers paid posts, but even there, the app does not use the in-app purchase system from the App Store, it has its own payment system.

Although it is unclear if Apple is aware of Telegram’s plans, it does not seem likely given that selling in-app content through alternate payment methods is against App Store policies.

According to the report, a Telegram spokesperson said that the company has not been testing a feature for paid posts. Some creators are using pay-to-view and third-party contribution bots as an alternative.

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