Telegram has joined hands with the Government of Brazil to work toward curbing fake news and false information propagation, in the country.

President Jair Bolsonaro met the Vice president of Telegram Ilya Perekopsky and the legal representative of the messaging app in Brazil, Alan Thomaz at Palacio do Planalto.

In Brazil, Justice and social networks have been engaged in a relationship of dialogue in recent months, to address some of the conflicts around the adoption of practices to prevent the dissemination of false information.

The concern of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) is the undue interference of fake news in the political and institutional life of the country.

“We had a good conversation with Bolsonaro in which we discussed freedom of expression, the most important principle on which Telegram is based, and compliance with the Constitution,” said Ilya Perosky, Vice President, Telegram in a statement.

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