Telegram has quietly updated its FAQ page, removing references that previously claimed private chats were protected from moderation.

This change comes nearly two weeks after the company’s CEO, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France for allegedly allowing criminal activities to continue unchecked on the platform.

In his first public statement since the arrest, Durov committed to increasing content moderation on Telegram — a shift from the company’s earlier stance, where they claimed there was “nothing to hide.” In a message shared on Thursday, Durov acknowledged that Telegram’s rapid growth to 950 million users had made it easier for criminals to exploit the platform. He pledged to address the issue, stating, “We’ve already started that process internally, and I will share more details on our progress with you very soon.”

The changes are already noticeable on Telegram’s FAQ page. Previously, the section addressing illegal content stated, “All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.” However, this has now been replaced with instructions on how to report illegal content using the platform’s built-in “Report” feature, allowing users to flag messages for review by Telegram moderators.

Durov’s arrest came after French authorities charged Telegram with facilitating the distribution of child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking, alleging the platform had refused to cooperate with investigations. Telegram now seems to be taking steps to address these concerns by revising its policies and improving content moderation.

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