Telegram has kicked off the year with a feature-packed update, introducing a third-party-powered account verification method, enhanced search filters, and a new way to turn gifts into NFTs.
Previously, Telegram allowed public figures and organizations to verify their accounts directly on the platform. With this update, the app has expanded verification by partnering with already-verified third-party authorities, such as regulatory bodies and educational organizations. Verified accounts under this system will display a unique logo next to their names instead of the traditional blue checkmark.
Telegram described the move as a proactive approach to improving safety on social platforms, reducing misinformation, and curbing scams. Individuals or entities seeking verification must undergo an initial authentication process and complete an application. Once eligible, organizations can assign or revoke verification via Telegram’s Bot API. This functionality is similar to how organizations manage verifications on X (formerly Twitter), but verified accounts on Telegram will display the organization’s logo.
NFT-Enabled Gifts
Another highlight of the update is the ability to convert gifts into NFTs. Users can purchase Telegram Stars in-app or through the Fragment platform by connecting their TON cryptocurrency wallet. These Stars can be used to send gifts with custom backgrounds and icons. Telegram allows users to upgrade these gifts to blockchain-based collectibles, enabling them to trade the NFTs on external platforms. The app charges a fee to cover blockchain transaction costs for this upgrade, marking Telegram’s continued foray into blockchain and cryptocurrency integration.
Advanced Message Search Filters
Telegram has also enhanced its search capabilities, making it easier to filter messages. The new search filters allow users to find specific messages more efficiently, adding a layer of convenience for those managing large volumes of chats.
This update underscores Telegram’s commitment to innovation, blending decentralized verification, blockchain technology, and user-centric features. With these changes, Telegram aims to set a new standard for safety, customization, and functionality in the messaging app space.
Bijay Pokharel
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