Twitter has launched new feature on its mobile app on Thursday that would allow users to share tweets directly to Snap Inc’s photo messaging app Snapchat, in a bid for cross-media engagement to get more users.
Users on the iOS platform can now post tweets on stories, or send them as individual messages on Snapchat by tapping on the share icon, Twitter said. It plans to roll out the feature soon for Android users.
Twitter added it would start testing a similar feature for stories on Facebook Inc’s Instagram for a small group of iOS users.
Bijay Pokharel
Bijay Pokharel is the creator and owner of He is a freelance technology writer focusing on all things pertaining to Cyber Security. The topics he writes about include malware, vulnerabilities, exploits, internet defense, women's safety and privacy, as well as research and innovation in information security. He is a tech enthusiast, keen learner, rational and cool person in his professional activities and challenges.
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