Netflix is great for entertainment. It’s all based on the algorithm Netflix uses, which collects data about what their users are viewing and it will only recommend specific movies and genres if you have previously watched something similar. As all Netflix users know, the streaming service has very specialized sub-genres of movies and TV shows. But the problem is, the sub-genres aren’t always easy to access. Here we are going to share a secret that will let you unlock thousands of hidden movies and TV Shows on Netflix.

All you have to do is log into your Netflix account and enter into your browser’s toolbar (instead of typing XXXX, you’ll type in a series of numbers that correspond to Netflix’s subgenres). It will let you access thousands of hidden Movies and Tv shows on Netflix.

Here’s a list of sub-genres and its codes:

Action & Adventure (1365)

Anime (7424)

Children & Family Movies (783)

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Classic Movies (31574)

Comedies (6548)

Cult Movies (7627)

Documentaries (6839)

Dramas (5763)

Faith & Spirituality (26835)

Foreign Movies (7462)

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Gay & Lesbian Movies (5977)

Horror Movies (8711)

Independent Movies (7077)

Music (1701)

Romantic Movies (8883)

Sci-Fi & Fantasy (1492)

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Sports Movies (4370)

Thrillers (8933)

TV Shows (83)