Among the young generation, Snapchat is the most popular application. Using the application lets you send and receive photos and videos to and from your contacts. If you keep sending and receiving it daily, you can also maintain a streak with any particular connection or with all of them. But what is a snap streak?

How does Snapchat work?

As explained previously, Snapchat is a messaging application that lets users interact via sharing content. These contents are photos, texts, and videos collectively known as “Snaps”. Once you send a particular snap to someone, they can view it for a few seconds, and it automatically disappears after that specific time. You can send the snap directly to any individual or post it in the “Story,” which can be viewed by all of your contacts. Note that the connections can view the story for 24 hours from upload time.

What is a streak?

A streak on Snapchat tells you about how long two people have been sending Snaps to each other, rather than in groups. Every day you send a snap to each other, your streak increases by 1 unit. You can see the streak next to your friend’s name in the app itself. You can see a symbol of the fire emoji and the number of days right after the emoji. This emoji and the day describe the streak you’ve been maintaining for the given days. On the 100th day of keeping the streak, you can see a 100 emoji along with the fire emoji. Only the two individuals maintaining the streak can see it; no third person can know about their streaks.

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How to keep up with your Snap Streaks and not lose them?

If you don’t want to lose your snap streak with your friend(s), you have to make sure that you send a photo or video to each other within a 24-hour timespan. It’s more of a teamwork ao both of you need to send the snaps. If one of you forgets to send the snap within 24-hour, then you’ll have to start it all over again. In most cases, you don’t lose the streaks that quickly. It is because Snapchat will remind you when the time’s about to end by putting an hourglass emoji right beside your friend’s name. As soon as the hourglass emoji appears, make sure to send a snap and tell your friend to do the same. This way, you will never lose the streaks you’ve been maintaining for so long.

What counts towards Snap Streaks?

To keep up with the snap streaks, you can do these two things, hence counting towards your snap streaks.
⦁ Sending video snap to your snap friend individually
⦁ Sending photo snap to your snap friend individually.

That’s all you have to do. If you can send a snap to your friend individually within the timespan of 24 hours (not in group snap), you can easily maintain the streak with them and keep up with your streaks as well.

What doesn’t count towards Snap Streaks?

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Well, there are many things you can do with/on Snapchat, but do they contribute to your streak? Let’s see what the things that don’t contribute at all are.


Yes, you can also have a conversation with your friend’s on Snapchat by simply tapping on their name to open the chatbox. Snap streaks will not be affected by this, however.


Like Instagram, Facebook, and any other social media platform, you can post stories on Snapchat as well. These stories can be made open (which can be seen by all of your friends) or closed (which can be seen by the chosen ones only) for the time of 24hrs. Posting stories has no effect on your snap streaks with your friends.

Sending snaps to a group

You can also send snaps to a group for your ease rather than sending them to every individual. But let me tell you that it also doesn’t count towards your snap streak at all. To maintain your streak with any particular individual, you’ll have to send them the snap individually rather than in a group at once.

Sending memories

If you save any of the snaps taken so far, they are kept in the Snapchat memories. You can also share them in the chat if you wish to. But, they also do not count towards your snap streaks.

Sharing Spectacle’s content

Snapchat also has a feature called “Spectacles,” which is more like a TikTok. You can post any original videos in this section, but Snapchat thoroughly checks it and approves it only if no violation is found to any rules. You can share any spectacles’ content with your snap friend, but this also doesn’t count towards your snap streaks.

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Why are youngsters so into snap streaks?

Maintaining a streak gives a sort of competition and pressure simultaneously. Most youngsters tend to keep the streak to show their rivals that they can do it as well, and they try to show how competitive they can be to prove something. On the other hand, it also pressurizes them to respond daily to maintain the streak. This might affect their self-esteem as others might have stronger friendships than themselves. At times, you might want to hack into their Snapchat account and see what they’re up to. You can also do so and warn them if they’re into something they aren’t allowed to.