WhatsApp said it banned more than 7 million accounts in India in April for violating the laws of the land.

Out of 7,182,000 banned WhatsApp accounts, 1,302,000 were proactively blocked, before any reports from users, the social media company said in a statement.

The popular mobile messaging platform, which has more than 550 million users in India, received 10,554 grievances from the country, and the records “actioned” were just six.

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The account “Actioned” means complaints where WhatsApp took remedial action.

WhatsApp also received two orders from the Grievance Appellate Committee in the country and complied with both, according to its monthly compliance report as per the new Indian IT Rules 2021.

“We will continue with transparency to our work and include information about our efforts in future reports,” said the company.

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