WhatsApp has launched the ‘forward media with the caption’ feature on iOS, which provides users the ability to forward images, videos, GIFs, and documents, with a caption.

After downloading the latest WhatsApp for iOS 22.23.77 update from the App Store, some users were able to access the new feature, reports WABetaInfo.

Users have to forward an image with a caption in order to know if the ability is enabled on their account and a new view will display at the bottom of the screen.

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Additionally, if someone does not want to forward the caption, a dismiss button is provided to remove the caption from the image before forwarding the message.

The feature will roll out to more users over the coming days, the report said.

Last week, it was reported that the messaging platform was working on voice status in iOS beta for an upcoming iOS update which would provide users the ability to share voice notes to their status updates.

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