WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new switch camera mode, which will allow users to switch between a camera and video mode, on iOS beta.

Currently, users have to tap and hold to record a video which is complicated when they have to record a long video, reports WABetaInfo.

However, now, users will soon be able to switch to video mode with just a tap in the future, making it simpler and easier to record videos.

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The new camera mode is currently under development on WhatsApp beta for iOS and it will be released in a future update, the report said.

Meanwhile, last month, the messaging platform introduced the ‘Accidental delete’ feature, a new layer of protection.

This feature helps users by providing a five-second window to reverse the accidental message delete and click on ‘Delete for everyone’, giving users a moment to quickly undo a deleted message if they accidentally select ‘Delete for me’ but meant to ‘Delete for everyone’.

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